July 1, 2024
Dear Seniors & Parents/Guardians:
Your senior year will go very quickly! Here are several important topics to consider NOW:
E-MAIL/TEAMS: I will use e-mail and Teams as the two main forms to send all information regarding: scholarships, job opportunities, college visits, military…etc. In addition, when asked for your e-mail account by colleges or when registering for SATs/ACTs, it is encouraged that you use your school e-mail address so you may access responses both at home and at school. You should be checking your email daily. I will also work on making a database of your personal email addresses too since many of you are more accessible this way, and when you graduate your school email will be deleted.
XELLO: The Xello program can assist you with finishing your resumes that we continued to work on in the spring. Regarding your Xello account, you still have access to it over the summer: https://login.xello.world/ Your username is WVA- and then your nine-digit school ID # that you use to login into eSchool and your password is your birthdate (i.e. – 07012004). Another option for logging into Xello is going to the Student Services link https://www.wvalley.org/domain/68 and clicking on “CLASSLINK LAUNCHPAD” and following the prompts to login into your Xello account. If you have trouble logging into Xello to complete your resumes, please email me or message me in Teams and I will help you.
WNY COLLEGE CONSORTIUM FALL 2024: Approximately 20 colleges from the Western New York Consortium Common Recruitment Committee will visit West Valley on Wednesday, October 9th at 8:00 AM.
COLLEGE VISITS: Please search individual college websites, take virtual college tours, and email admissions counselors and financial aid advisors to learn about their process for campus tours. Prepare questions you would like to ask, such as: housing, majors, technology, college size, campus security, religious affiliation, and extracurricular activities…etc.
OPEN HOUSES: Be on the lookout for open houses through the New York State Private Colleges and University’s website: http://www.nycolleges.org For all open houses and applying to SUNY (State University of New York) – including University Centers and Doctoral Degree Institutions, University Colleges, Technology Colleges, and Community Colleges) colleges on-line use the following website: http://www.suny.edu/.
COLLEGE EARLY ACTION / EARLY DECISION: Anyone interested in “Early Action” / “Early Decision” needs to contact me by September 9th to begin applying. http://professionals.collegeboard.com/guidance/applications/early
MILITARY ACADEMIES / NCAA: If you are interested in one of the U.S. military academies, then you need to contact me immediately. Any students interested in playing sports for a Division I. II or III institution must be registered with the NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse as soon as possible. To register, access http://www.ncaa.org/. You must be certified before practicing, competing, and/or receiving any athletic scholarships at a Division I or II institution.
POST HIGH SCHOOL PLANS: Please contact me the second week of school if you have concerns regarding meeting all graduation requirements. In September, we will discuss your plans for after graduation, whether it is college, military, or employment.
COLLEGE APPLICATIONS: Do not apply to any community colleges (two-year schools for an associate degree) unless you check the colleges’ websites. Most New York Community Colleges do not have application fees, but double check the SUNY schools’ website. If you use the SUNY application on-line for community colleges, you will be billed for the application fee. Many private colleges waive application fees if you apply on-line through the colleges’ websites. Another option for applying to multiple colleges is the Common App: https://www.commonapp.org. If you choose to apply on-line to any colleges on your own, please email Mrs. Dana Westfall (dwestfall2@wvalley.org) or me immediately, so we can email/mail your transcripts and recommendation letters.
LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION: The college process is incredibly involved and will demand a lot of your time; please realize that you must take an active role in the entire process. You must assume the responsibility for acknowledging deadlines, establishing lists of colleges to investigate, contacting schools, obtaining necessary forms, and teacher recommendations (maximum of three letters) as required. Be selective when choosing someone to write you a letter, because they can let you read it or send it directly to the Guidance Office to be mailed, or certain colleges will ask them to email it directly. Please email your resume to the people writing your letters so they can be more specific with their recommendation.
SATs/ACTs: If you have not registered for August, you need to sign up immediately if you wish to take the test this summer! The first SAT test will be offered on August 24th, and the regular deadline for this test is August 9th. Register on-line at http://www.sat.org/register (you will need a credit card for payment – you also need to upload a picture of yourself http://sat.collegeboard.org/register/photo-requirements), make sure you print a copy of the last page (this is your admissions ticket for the day of the test). If you have taken the PSATs or SATs prior and forgot your username and password, you may need to reset them. The first ACT test will be offered on September 14th, and the regular deadline for this test is August 9th.To apply on-line for the ACT, access this link: http://www.actstudent.org The ACT also requires you to upload a picture of yourself (http://www.actstudent.org/regist/add-photo.html). Other test dates for SATs and ACTs will be published in the West Valley Newsletter and on the “Student Services Webpage.” If you qualify, or think you qualify for a fee-waiver for either test/or both, email me immediately over the summer to register. Lastly, if you have approved test modifications through the College Board, please email me before applying.
FINANCIAL AID NIGHT: Our “Annual Financial Aid Night” is scheduled for Monday, November 4th from 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM. Shannon Rinow (Project Coordinator – FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid Completion) from Jamestown Community College will present and provide information regarding the 2025-2026 FAFSA Application.
STUDENT SERVICES WEBPAGE: The “Student Services Webpage” https://www.wvalley.org/domain/68 will be an important communication tool for you this year. This letter will be online as well.
To ensure that correct procedures are understood and followed, please email me at mlabrake@wvalley.org or call me at 716-942-3100 extension 4148 with any questions. Thank you.
Matthew L. LaBrake
K-12 School Counselor