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Donovan Bielecki

Donovan Bielecki
Phone: 716-942-3100

Technology Plan (2022-2025)

Data Privacy & Security

The Board of Regents adopted Part 121 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education on January 13, 2020. These rules will implement Education Law Section 2-d and provide guidance to educational agencies and their third-party contractors on ways to strengthen data privacy and security to protect student data and annual professional performance review data. It will apply to both charter and traditional public schools.  The Regulations were overseen by the Department’s Chief Privacy Officer, Temitope Akinyemi.

These Regulations govern the use of student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in regards to third-party software vendors and platforms.  All third-party contractors who collect and store student PII need to have a signed copy of the West Valley Central School District Parent’s Bill of Rights, in addition to a Supplemental Information Addendum that states publicly why they collect student PII, how it is stored and used, what happens to the collected data upon end of contract terms, and how data will be protected and encrypted.  These forms will be posted on the West Valley Central School website for viewing at any time.

For questions, concerns, or communication, please contact: 

Donovan Bielecki
West Valley Central School Data Privacy Officer